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Server Hosting Recommendations?


I have a forum website(invision board) and need some inputs to select a dedicated server.
My forum has 8 million posts (Including posts and topics) in total.
Right now i am using Xeon 5260 2 bay chaisis, 12 gb ram, 400 gb SD
I just want to know how can we determine the server configuration ..based on what factors?
Current issues i am facing is database table crashes....
What host is better for getting servers at: Hostsailor.com or other hosting solutions?
Any reviews please?


I have been using them for about 8 months now. I have very good success with HostSailor.com server hosting. Their customer service is outstanding... Every time I have ever ran into any issues whatsoever, whether it's been issues with my account when I've been past due, and they have been lenient with payments and kept my services on. If I've had technical issues, they have resolved them very promptly.
The best server providers are: planethoster.com and hostingsource.com.
Their customer service is incredible. There are no "tech egotists" there like with 99% of the other IT firms. They are problem solvers and solution providers.